Saturday, August 29, 2009

Blood Promise!

I just finished it not to long ago. But it was SO awesome! It was like a rollercoaster, I didn't know if I should laugh or cry or have a heart attack! Seriously, I was hyperventilating throughout the whole book.

I promise I will do a review some time this weekend, but I can't right now because I wish I didn't read it so fast but I had to find out. (and those of you who read the last book you know what I'm talking about *coughs* Dimitri *coughs*)

Okay this is all I'm saying for now. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it yet. But get your butt to the book store and buy this book, because it so amazing *fangirl squeals* I can't wait til Spirit Bound comes out!!!!

Okay, okay, this is truly all. But oh my goodness.....


Emilia Plater said...

I love those books that make you hyperventilate. XD Blood Promise... I shall check it out!

Raven M said...
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Raven M said...

LOL! I do too. But yes, you should check it out.

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